Saturday, July 27, 2024
Breaking News International
Zuckerberg far from politically neutral, multiple employees allege in redacted ....
By Amarisatya    October 25, 2021

Facebook top guns interfered to allow US politicians and celebrities post whatever they wanted, overriding the network’s professed high moral

Covid resurgence in US amid colder weather ....
By Amarisatya    October 19, 2021

 Some northern US states are starting to witness a Covid-19 resurgence as the weather is getting colder amid the onset

International Education
Madhusudan Law College received university status; Dharmendra tweeted ....
By Amarisatya    October 13, 2021

Madhusudan Law College received university status; Dharmendra tweeted

Bhubaneswar: Another college in Odisha has got university status. The Madhusudan Law College

Australian government fails to protect biodiversity ....
By Amarisatya    October 13, 2021

Canberra: A new report revealed on Tuesday that the Australian government is failing to protect more than 1,500 unique ecosystems.


Breaking News International
Nobel Economics Prize 2021 ....
By Amarisatya    October 12, 2021

Nobel Economics Prize 2021


Singer R Kelly found guilty of all charges in sex ....
By Amarisatya    September 28, 2021

New York: Singer R. Kelly has been found guilty of leading a decades-long scheme to recruit women and underage girls for

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